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Awakening Potential in Academia

I am a student of life, growing through the wonder of this world, a beacon of awe.


Academic development gave me tools and critical training to understand culture, systems, and myself.
My transdisciplinary experience is marked by an unconventional path, always seeking meaning and practical application for this changing world, moving toward a thriving future. I am wildly curious and creative.


We have the ability to design powerful civilizations defined by equanimity and embedded into a healthy planet.


Exploring how to do this, I embraced independent projects and leadership experiences.
Much of my aims have been a balance between pragmatic research, communication, and organizational management skill on one hand, and abstract forms of inquiry and expression on the other.

While my time at Shoreline CC was exploratory, centering anthropology, psychology and the humanities, Fairhaven College is a rapidly changing and challenging environment, demanding a deep understanding of the self while interrogating systems of power in our world.

It was at Fairhaven that I became fully formed into the shape of myself.

Read a deeply reflective narrative of my journey in my Senior Seminar Summary and Evaluation essay here.


Find Areas I've been working below. Courses, projects, summaries of theories, etc.


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