UX, eCommerce, Development & Design,
Data Management
My technology experience spans five areas:
UX, backend, development, technology use, accessibility
Five years working in eCommerce & several website builds give me excellent backend navigation & procedure development expertise.
Through website testing, client relationships, & formal training in cognition and computer science, I've developed intuitive UX design ability with meticulous testing/tracking habits.
Leading research at WWU's Computer Science department, I've become an expert in technology accessibility & community resilience.
Hard Skills:
Market & consumer research
Whole systems understanding considering function, purpose, & user impact
Design & implementation process, collaborative or independent, including identification of client needs, management of project goals, timelines, resources
See my contributions in technology accessibility guidelines and academic work here.
UX design, client feedback, & testing
Produced technical manual for Netsuite backend, employee training
Website building through Wix, Squarespace, Wordpress, etc.
A tech skills list can be found here.