Jessica Kristine NavedoMay 19, 20207 min readWe all got the mic / Unbound by time and placeTechnology is a distributed platform with open access. It changes our relationship with place and time.
Jessica Kristine NavedoMay 15, 20204 min readFractal fractures and the existential whole – Part 2The design of our technological systems create toxic patterns. When we heal ourselves, in relationship, we may design in healthy ways.
Jessica Kristine NavedoMay 15, 20203 min readFractal fractures and the existential whole – Part 1Technology amplifies our trauma and dysfunction.
Jessica Kristine NavedoMay 15, 20205 min readLife Emerges : We are the fractal seedTechnology extends from the character of ourselves. How we are determines the qualities of our networks, systems, and designs.
Jessica Kristine NavedoMay 15, 20204 min readAs Human As TechnologyHumans use technology to accelerate our evolution and shape the world.